Startup-Centric Branding

Product was king, and if you found time to be novel in your design, you were lauded for going the extra mile and didn’t think about branding until you had both traction and funding.

Web or mobile app?

First-time founders in particular are drawn (or generally coerced) to first building an app, as they believe that an app is still seen as a “real startup”, whereas building for the web isn’t.

The video worked because it was a fun twist on something with a big fan following, says Dan Scholz, director of digital marketing at YouGov, a market research company in New York.

The problem is that many of us do not have the luxury of living the nomadic life of a freelance writer. We have lives and careers that revolve around NYC.

The audience for this [QR codes] has been very tech heavy for a while now, but started to reach a tipping point last fall.